Thursday, January 6, 2011

The first step...

"There are risks and costs to action.  But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction" John F Kennedy.

I've decided to make this year count.  At the beginning of every year I have great intentions for what I hope to achieve in the 365 days ahead, however inevitably "life" gets in the way and each week seems to fly by faster than the previous one with my "must achieve" list growing by the minute!

As each year passes and I add another year to my age, I look back with regret at the goals and dreams that didn't come to fruition.  So to make sure this year is one to remember for great reasons, I have decided to make a significant positive action every week for the next year. All going well - by the end of December 2011 I can look back at this blog and count at least 52 positive actions I consciously made. 

To hold myself accountable and ensure I don't lose motivation along the way (!) I am going to write about these actions and any flow on effects they have in this blog - including achievements, struggles and lessons learnt along the way.  This blog is my first positive action for 2011 and it is with a bit of nervousness mixed with a dash of excitement and courage that I have decided to commit to this. 

2011 is going to be a great year - I can feel it in the air and so can many of my friends and family.  Lets all embrace it and make every day count so that this New Year's eve we look back at the year that has passed and feel that we accomplished all we set out to do - a true cause for celebration as we enter into 2012.

My boys along Petone Foreshore as another year closes


  1. All the best Ave! I believe if you put out to the universe what you so desire it will come back to you :-)

  2. What a wonderful thing to do. I look forward to following you through your journey my friend xx
