Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Creative Mind...

Every day is an opportunity to be creative – the canvas is your mind, the brushes and colours are your thoughts and feelings, the panorama is your story, the complete picture is a work of art called, ‘my life’. Be careful what you put on the canvas of your mind today – it matters.”  Innerspace

I have many very talented friends and during this week I had an idea - how about featuring the work for sale of some of these friends in a 'gallery' on my blog.  We have so many talented people around us and I am constantly amazed by the creativity that emerges from these individuals.  The artists profiled today are in the Wellington/Wairarapa areas, however most of these pieces can be couriered/posted, so if you are interested in purchasing any of the following, please contact me: and I will put you in touch with the appropriate person.  Alternatively, I have added links to their facebook pages at the end of this blog entry :) 

"The Bodice 2" by Kalayana, Collective Concepts NZ$250.00
 61 x 45.5cm

"Beauty all around" by Mel, Collective Concepts (mixed media), NZ$120.00
Size 45cm x 35cm

'Peaceful Night'  by Katie Marshall (acrylic), NZ$120.00

Assorted booties by "Lolabugs" NZ$15.00 a pair

'Our Favourite Gummies' by Mel Marshall, Collective Concepts (acrylic on canvas), NZ$320.00
76cm x 38cm

Red white and black on chain with large red foil bead front and centre by Shelley Steer, NZ$45.00

"Growth and New Life" by Kalayana, Collective Concepts, NZ$600.00
70 x 90cm

'New Beginning' by Katie Marshall (acrylic) NZ$200.00 

Necklace by Shelley Steer

"Good Luck Tiki" by Melanie Marshall, Collective Concepts (mixed media) NZ$120.00
22.5 x 30.5cm

Tea Cosys by "Lolabugs"

Olive Green with deep purples & swarovski crystals on chain by Shelley Steer, NZ$35.00

Click on image above to go to "Collective Concepts" facebook page

"Click on image above to go to "Shelley Steer's Bead House" facebook page

An artist paints, dances, draws, writes, designs, or acts at the expanding edge of consciousness. We press into the unknown rather than the known. This makes life lovely and lively.” — Julia Cameron


  1. There really are a lot of talented folks around these parts arent there! I love the quotes you've used in this post, Julia Cameron is a favourite of mine.

  2. Thank you for your feedback Veronica (apologies that is has taken me a while to do so). I have a real passion for inspiring quotes and will try to put a few on with each blog I write/create :)
