Saturday, February 19, 2011

Positive Connections...

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." Mother Teresa

One of my biggest positive actions and goals this year is to make as many meaningful connections as possible.  For years now I have been shying away from making the most of connecting with the outside world - whether it be family, friends, colleagues or new acquaintances.  This is because I have struggled with my health during this time and I have become extremely self conscious when dealing with people.  When I am lacking energy and am not at my best healthwise this certainly hinders my ability to be positive, sociable and to seek out engaging and interesting environments and activities. However, 2011 is going to be different and I have already taken positive steps to achieve this goal.

Last week I organised a luncheon and presentation by one of the top Personal Assistant's in the country (who also happens to be our CEO's Personal Assistant which was handy!), inviting along other Executive Assistants and Personal Assistants from businesses and organisations around the Wellington CBD.  Almost all of the attendees invited I had never met before and it was an extremely positive experience.  Jenny our presenter delivered an inspiring and encouraging talk, and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and getting to know the other women invited and what their roles involved.  Straight after the presentation had ended I started receiving emails thanking Jenny for her wonderful presentation, and me for putting the event on.  That was very rewarding, and at least half of those who attended sent me a personal thank you which I wasn't expecting.  I also now have several new people to meet for coffee on a regular basis to keep in touch with, exchange ideas etc.

Tomorrow I'm off to Auckland for two days to attend a Personal Assistant conference.  I know I should be looking forward to the various interesting talks scheduled, however if I'm being totally honest I'm actually looking forward to staying at a very nice hotel and making as many new connections as I can in two days!!  As those attending will be from all over the country, at all different levels and stages of their careers and from diverse sectors, I am excited about learning as much as possible about these people and hopefully I'll be able to keep in touch with many of them. 

I am also planning to meet up with Philippa from Green Sky (my guest blogger) in the flesh for the very first time.  Our connection has been very positive to date and I can't wait to chat away about our ventures and journeys.  I think our biggest issue will be trying to fit in everything we want to say in one meeting! 

I have also decided to join the Association of Administrative Professionals New Zealand who hold monthly meetings and excursions, and I have 'liked' a dozen "positive" facebook pages, posting a quick blurb about my blog and asking for feeback and ideas. 

So those are the first steps.  Watch this space, there's a great deal more connecting to follow and I'll be reporting back on how making those connections contribute positively to my year!

"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen". Ernest Hemingway

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