Saturday, March 26, 2011

Going Beyond

"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible." Arthur C Clarke

I know it seems that I've been a little quiet on the blog front over the past few weeks. In reality it has been a very busy time with lots of positive actions going on behind the scenes!

I have really enjoyed putting together "52 positive actions in 52 weeks" and out of this I have come to the realisation that this year is about "connecting and supporting" and contributing what I can in a positive way.  From this realisation the idea of another complimentary blog, "going beyond " was created and I have since spent quite some time putting it together.  The purpose of this blog is to promote and support individuals and businesses who "go beyond" the expected. The vision of Going Byond is to create a world where "giving back" is the norm.

We will be profiling the best of the best - only the most innovative, forward thinking, community spirited and experience focused initiatives will make the cut. This is a space where great hearts and minds combine.  This is also your space - your input, your suggestions, stories and ideas are encouraged.  Think exceptional service, innovation, creativity, community.

Please visit going beyond - and contact me at if you have any ideas, suggestions etc to help make this an inspiring and exciting blog!

I will also be updating "52 positive actions in 52 weeks" on a regular basis to keep you up to date with my commitment to positive actions this year.  My next blog features a dream I have had for many years that I am finally putting into action.  Exciting times!

I also wish you all the best for the positive actions you are commiting to this year.  I'd love to hear about them :)

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